Sustainable and cost effective Kitchen Appliances! Espresso Machines For You

When you think of living sustainably, your first thought is probably linked to buying sustainable clothing or maybe trying to go vegan two times a week. Don’t get me wrong these are both excellent ways to be more sustainable but, there are many other ways you probably haven’t thought of that could also save you money. 

This blog is all about introducing you to the best kitchen tech for women that can help you be both, more sustainable and more cost effective. 

We all know sustainability is a hot topic at the moment due to the ongoing COP26 discussions by world leaders on the fight against climate change. But do you London moms know how you can be more sustainable and save your money? 

The answer is #techsolutions. Here at Lee London, we have some great #techforwomen for all you London moms. 

First up we have…

Brevilles Barista Touch ($999.95)

Breville Barista Touch


Is part of your morning routine getting up slightly earlier so you can fit in that Starbucks trip to get your favorite coffee in the little white cups before work? Well, have you ever considered that you could be your own barista? 

The barista touch coffee machine is the perfect answer to this, you can make your own cappuccinos or lattes or whatever coffee you fancy instead of having to trek to a Starbucks or your local coffee shop.  

Purchasing your own coffee machine is beneficial to the environment for many reasons. One of which being you cut down the amount of time you’re in the car due to cutting out your coffee stop. Another reason is you’re not drinking from disposable plastic cups that you inevitably throw away after. 

The price of the #BaristaTouch is $999.95, now you may be thinking how is this cost affective when it’s costing me nearly a grand. Well, I’ll tell you. 

The cost of a Grande latte from Starbucks is $3.65, say you’re getting one six times a week, that’s $21.90 a week on coffee. In total you would be spending $1,138.8 a year on a latte from Starbucks. My London moms, think of everything you could do with that amount of money. 

The price of the Barista Touch is looking pretty good now, isn’t it? 

Secondly, we have…

The Breville Bluicer ($299.95) 

Breville Bluicer


Now this may look like your average juicer but it’s so much more, capable of making smoothies, frappes, slushies, cocktails, and much more, this Bluicer can do it all. 

How is this sustainable? 

Well, similar to the coffee, do you factor in time to grab your healthy juice for after a long walk or a tiresome gym session? With the Bluicer you’d be able to make it at home, creating your own recipes and saving on travel time and plastic wastage!  

How is it cost effective? 

Just look at its cocktail making abilities, you can make your own flavours and combinations instead of having to pay for the expensive premade drink. 

Fancy a night with the girls but don’t want to spend too much? The Bluicer allows you to have an at home cocktail night. 

Third and finally we have…

LEVO: Herbal Oil & Butter Infuser ($289.99)

Levo Herbal Infuser


The LEVO ll turns DIY infusion into an art form, with the capability of drying, activating, infusing, and dispensing herb-infused oils, butters, honeys and more. 

My London moms, it’s not just about what you make with the LEVO ll it’s about what you can use them for, from baked goods to sweets and even dressings. 

From a sustainability point of view, you’re saving on wasted plastic packaging, car milage, and much more. 

The LEVO ll is definitely one of the best #techsolutions for being more cost effective. You’ll pay a fraction of the price you pay for premade herb-infused items. 

For all you wellness-minded London Moms, this product is your perfect #techforwomen item to start you on your journey to being more sustainable and cost effective.

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