From indoor venue to the outdoor festival. CADDIS progressives are for people who need to see stuff up close and far away. It's that simple. Our lenses progress from no magnification at the top, to your chosen magnification at the bottom. All in one lens. No more switching glasses stacked on your head. CADDIS Progressives are true progressive lenses (not blended bi-focals). As with any progressive lens, you may need up to a week for your eye to adjust to them. Be patient friends, the results are worth it.
Grab a Gloss Vodka pair to add to your spicy style.
- Best-in-class frequency lenses.
- Technology is infused into the lens. Not coated on.
- Blocks 45% of harmful blue light at, and surrounding, the most harmful wavelength (455nm). This is more than other brands. Ask and you'll see.
- Is in a nearly clear lens (which is hard to do).
- Anti-reflective coating helps to mitigate reflections and glare
- Super hydro-phobic and oleo-phobic coating for anti-smudge
Why We Like This:
- Prescription free, standard lens
- Blocks Blue Light when you are reading to help you sleep better
- All sorts of styles automatically make you look more intriguing
- Help you read + care for your eyes at once
- Clear is for the super-cool and confident, and we're in full support