The Inspiring Women Helping You Land A Career In Tech
Technology has changed the way that we lead our lives and will no doubt shape our habits of the future. Whether it’s cryptocurrency and investing, or online shopping and gaming, technology has a part to play. As the tech industry continues to grow, there are more career opportunities being announced every day, but it can often be hard to know exactly how to get your foot in the door. Here we look at some of the women who inspire us and are helping you land the best opportunities in tech.
Hosanna Hali (@thetechcornr)
Hosanna studied Business Management at university before making the transition into computing and tech. She now works as an Azure specialist at Microsoft and has accumulated over 34,000 followers on her Instagram account @thetechcornr. Hosanna shares practical advice for newcomers on how to get started in tech and talks openly about the reality of working in the industry. Some of her latest YouTube videos include "Why I stopped learning to code", "How to make more money in tech", and "What's it like working for Microsoft?". She also offers one-to-one calls for those who want more tailored advice on working in tech.
Tiffany Janzen (@tiffintech)
Before embarking on her journey in tech, Tiffany was a model with a desire to work in the fashion industry. During her final year of university, she fell in love with coding and strived for a career in software development. She now works as a technical consultant and software developer. During her transition into tech, Tiff didn't feel there were enough resources to help her on her journey as a developer, so she formed her own tech community. Tiffintech looks at all the latest tech trends, gives advice on how to get started in tech, and reminds us that anyone can make a career in tech, regardless of background.
Reshma Saujani (@reshmasaujani)
Saujani is an American lawyer, politician, and founder of the non-profit organization Girls Who Code. The organization aims to close the gender gap in tech, and recognises that despite being a male dominated industry, women can be successful engineers and developers. Girls Who Code offers summer coding programs, support at college level, and free computer science activities that can be completed at home. Saujani has also authored the book 'Girls who code: learn to code and change the world', as well as other books which empower women to achieve their career goals.
Laura Medalia (codergirl_)
Laura is a New York City based programmer who shares her love for tech and fashion over on her Instagram @codergirl_. Laura shares tips on how to boss tech interviews, as well as funny reels on the struggles of working in the tech industry. As a fashion lover, Laura also has her own line of t-shirts and hoodies with coding-based slogans for her followers.
Johna Rutz (@jonesdoeslife)
Johna works as a Software Architect, but her platform is about more than just being a developer. Johna writes blog posts discussing her favourite programming resources and gives advice to coding beginners. She also enjoys sharing her favourite books and personal projects. Whilst a lot of Johna’s content is technology based, Johna reminds us that people are more than their jobs, and that being a developer is only one part of her story.
With more professionals now sharing their career journeys online, we can see that there are many ways of making a career in tech. There is no set educational path to follow, and you can learn new skills in a way that best suits you. Equally, with more tech communities being founded by female developers, you will always have a helping hand when embarking on a transition into tech