The Company's Story

Lee London started off with the goal of becoming the “Tory Burch of Tech”. The mission; to build the antithesis of BestBuy, B8ta, Amazon, and Sharper Image. As women, we asked ourselves, “where is the tech retailer that has our wants and needs at the forefront?” What previously existed seemed cold, transactional, or non-inclusive categorically - not exactly the luxury experience we want. But it wasn’t just the retailers that were missing the mark. The tech itself was often completely relatable to our wants and needs. Drones and Oculus weren’t cutting it. We wanted tech that enhanced our lives, not take more time and money away. And we learned how women make up the majority of household buying power, specifically purchasing 50% of manufactured tech products for each home. Consumer technology design, retail experiences, and economics weren’t working for women. We wanted to become the manufacturer that designed, built and sold products, prioritizing women. 

It was 2017 when we initially launched. Between the Womens’ empowerment movement, 4th (industrial) Revolution, as well as a recent wave of freelancers and startups, Lee London’s timing couldn’t be much more on-point. 

Still, becoming a mass-luxury retail conglomerate takes time and funding. Though our founder had proved as a one-woman-show, there is a need in the market for a female perspective, the business model wasn’t quite on-point for mass scaling. We had to put the dream on-hold for a few years. 

Starting again in 2021, Lee London no longer wanted to be modeled after the acclaimed fashion house, but rather a well curated, quality distributor of the right tech. That means finding and testing manufactured tech products that save our customers' time, save her wallet, or actually add value to her life. 

But we don’t want to simply sell well-thought-through products to like-minded people. We want to be her resource for all-things-tech. We see BIG TECH advancing faster and faster. Language like the dark web, VR, AR, metaverse, cryptocurrency, blockchain, NFTs, and IOT have crept into our vernacular in recent years. While technology is developing faster and faster, the majority of the human race isn’t Mark Zuckerberg’s right-hand-woman or starting a web3 company. Though our community is made up of smart, savvy women, the majority shy away from unknown technology concepts that can sometimes be intimidating. 

We see this as an opportunity. We want to humanize tech. We want to make sure every single customer is growing more confident with technology, every day. Whether that means relating cryptocurrency from a familiar perspective, or introducing the hottest new fertility startups - we want to bridge the technology industry and womxn everywhere. 

Today at Lee London, we find under-marketed, new, and unique femtech products. But we also bring relatable articles and videos to the community. We are proudly the first and only tech-marketplace prioritizing women. We want to keep getting bigger and better - expanding our product offering, humanizing technology, and building a community whose voices are heard in a time where development often doesn’t listen. It’s the right time, the right business model, and the right founders to make Lee London happen.