FemTech Pushing Safety Devices For Women

Why are Femtech Safety Devices on the Rise?

Femtech companies primary aim is to enhance womens’ safety, health, and general wellbeing. Femtech is on-the-rise, women are beginning to understand not just their economic power, but the decision-making power. Keeping our friends, families, and communities safe is a top priority for women everywhere. Therefore more and more safety devices are being made and distributed. Safety devices are specifically designed to ensure women are protected in all spaces of life. 

Female standing with strong muscles drawn behind her

Several up-and-coming Femtech companies are designing and selling safety devices designed for women. Before investing in these devices, there are a few factors that you might want to consider. Some of the factors include the functionality of the device, the price tag of the device, and the overall aesthetic presentation. Ideally, you need something that performs well, looks fresh and stays neat, as well as is reasonably priced for your wallet. There is lot on the market today, but here are a few of our favorite safety devices for women that we proudly recommend: 

Birdie Safety Alarms
  1. The Birdie Alarms

The Birdie alarm is a keychain emergency awareness device specifically designed for the safety of women. When you are threatened or in-danger, you can activate the alarm's siren and the flashing strobe light. The sirens of these devices are very loud, while the colorful product casings are cheerful and fun. The Birdie alarm is the best to ensure your safety in public places, parking lots, or when traveling. See our full review here. 

The Birdie alarm’s durable construction makes it even more appealing - meaning, you won’t have to replace this, hopefully, ever. The smart product also comes with ten different color choices that you can choose from. Our favorites are coral, indigo, aqua, lemon, and charcoal.


  • Very simple to use
  • Tough construction makes it very durable
  • Has ten different color options
  • It comes with a very loud siren-130db
  • It contains an ideal flashing strobe light


  • The device is not waterproof 


Webcam Cover with fruit bowl  

2. Webcam Covers

Webcams are found on your phone, laptop, and tablet. Webcams are great for communicating with your friends, family, or of course the notorious work zoom calls. Still, webcameras pose 21st century privacy and security dangers. Criminals can gain access, record sounds as well as images related to you. In fact, they can watch and record you from across the world, without you ever knowing - often turning off the camera’s light before they tune-in. This is like peeping toms watching through your windows, whenever they want, without any knowledge of them, or window covering to stop them. Sticky notes gunk up the camera, and you have to remember to replace them. Still, a webcam cover is needed for your safety in the 21st century. 

A webcam cover is a product you can place directly on your tablet, smartphone, or laptop. The primary function of the cover is to stop any webcam espionage. The webcam covers are designed to have designs that allow you to customize or personalize your device, allows the device to completely close or not break, but also be easily functional for when you do have those webcam conversations. At Lee London, we have eleven designs. Check them out here. 


  • Compatible with all laptops and tablets
  • Give your device a distinctive, unique look
  • Made of stainless steel (no plastic!) 
  • Provides privacy and safety for your device
  • Less than 30 seconds of effort on your part, to be safe for a lifetime


  • Over $5 cost 

30 seconds of your time 21st century Peeping Toms; Which would you choose to keep your family safe? 


Digital Home Jewelry Safe


3. Jewelry Safes 

If you treasure your jewelry, it is paramount to invest in a functional and durable jewelry safe where you can store your most valuable items. These safes are engineered with a unique locking system such as an electronic locking system, or a bio locking system - using the touch of your fingerprint to unlock. Purchasing a solid, quality safe provides you with the physical and emotional insurance of keeping your valuables safe. Also, they are engineered with very robust steel material, which means that your jewelry will be protected even in case of fire or any other disaster. Lee London represents a few here


  • Physical and emotional assurance 
  • Locking Options
  • Sizing Options
  • Robust stainless steel 
  • Less than 30 seconds of effort on your part, to be safe for a lifetime


  • Limited colors
  • Initial cost  


Car Emergency Kit 

4. Emergency Car Kits 

Femtech companies have been very proactive in producing a whole new realm of safety devices for women. Car emergency kits are explicitly designed to ensure that women are safe when driving. In fact, women purchase 50% of cars in the United States, and have influence over 60%, or more. Women are more likely to be driving kids in the car as well. 1.35million people are in car accidents in the US annually. What this means is, safety matters, and women should be prepared for an emergency. 

The emergency roadside kit should comes with a sturdy, waterproof, yet colorful bag. The bag should be sturdy to last the lifetime of the car, waterproof in case the car fills with water, and colorful, so it’s easy to spot in a second. The emergency set should have at least all the basics. Some of the essential things include a first aid kit, flashlight, tire gauge, whistle, compass, booster cables, and emergency hammer. If you are looking for something to gift women in your lives, consider a designed emergency car device. 


  • Physical and emotional assurance 
  • Size Options 
  • Tool Options
  • Less than 30 seconds of effort on your part, to be safe for a lifetime


  • Initial cost  
  • Takes up corner or niche of space in the car

16-year-old teenager? This might be the best birthday gift to give her. Mother of 3? Grandmother? We don’t want anyone in our lives to be in an emergency, but preparing for that moment is one of the best gifts we can give. 


Home Safety Kit

5. Home Emergency Kits 

Emergencies at your home can happen at any time, and thus it is essential to ensure that you have an emergency kit so that you are prepared when disaster strikes. Emergencies that are prone to happen can range from fires, hurricanes, power outages, or even one family member falling ill. The emergency kit you purchase for yourself or your loved one should have some essential items, which include:

  • First aid kit-the first aid kit should have tapes, pads, gloves, sterilization, bandages, and medical tools.
  • Water filter-it is a significant device that helps filter water and ensures it is safe to drink.
  • Weather-resistant blankets- the emergency kit should have waterproof and moisture-proof blankets that you can use in emergencies.
  • Multi-purpose knife- a multipurpose knife is crucial to help as a bottle opener, pliers, or even a screwdriver.
  • Two-way radio-remember that some disasters can even knock out telephone lines and power. It is an essential tool to facilitate communication during an emergency.
  • Supply of batteries- in case of an emergency strike, the batteries can be beneficial.
  • Clean drinking water should ensure that the home emergency is also stacked with clean water.
  • Waterproof matches can be beneficial to start a fire, even in a damp area.

Know someone who just purchased, or upgraded their home? This is the perfect welcome gift to keep them safe for a lifetime. 

In conclusion, Femtech products are very ''hot'' in today's market. Most women are aware of the need to coherently monitor their health, safety issues, and general wellbeing. Because of the buying strength and power of women, companies are developing products, optimizing products, to keep women and their things, safe. The production of safety devices specifically designed for women is on the rise and helps ensure that women can protect themselves against any form of danger. Thus if you are looking for the perfect gift to give your loved one, consider the above listed gifts.

1 comment

  • Other suggestions: Invisawear: https://www.invisawear.com and Flare: https://getflare.com


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