Fertility Startups - What New To Expect In The Next 24 Months

In recent years infertility has skyrocketed. One reason behind the problem is a social trend; couples planning to have kids later in life. The average, the age women giving birth his risen from 21 years old, to 26 years old for millennials and Gen Z. Women are choosing careers first, and men are choosing to partner up later in life at-large.  

But that doesn’t mean the financial, emotional, physical stress of infertility has lessened.  Studies show the average cost to conceive a child through IVF is $60k. The majority of candidates use credit cards to pay, 25% will take out loans, and 14% will dip into their 401k plans in order to conceive a child. And the emotional stress can add up too. Half of women and 15% of men report infertility is the most upsetting experience of their lives.

Couple suffering with infertility

To add on top of the complex pressures of infertility, there are now, more than ever, a multitude of lifestyle and health choices to make in pregnancy, labor, and child rearing. For example, having a Doula assist in labor and delivery, or accessibility to many kinds of IVF treatments. Each choice can change your course of conception and parenthood in ways beyond what Boomers or any other previous generation had to decide. Still, the more choices can mean an ever-more daunting journey to parenthood. 

We hear this. It’s not easy. Infertility can take a toll on all aspects of your life. To help, below are a few cutting-edge startups to use as resources. These fertility-tech mavens are looking into the future - by weeks and months, rather than decades. They’re developing, growing, and optimizing their services every day. They’re helping women and couples alike with the exhausting process of infertility. With the hope of easing the process just a little for us and generations to come.

Pregnant couple for Evernorth


Think of Evernorth as the guide to fertility options. Their take is from a financial lens, but they not only pair you with and advisor, but also match you with cost effective treatments that are designed to fit your needs. Their expansive knowledge of healthcare providers along with authority in what can be most cost effective, ultimately can allow you to relieve some stress knowing you’re being led by a comprehensive team.


Alife Health

Alife Health

Every body is different. And if you’ve gone through infertility treatments you know this can lead to a feeling of uncertainty and vulnerability. Alife is trying to change that. They’re building a software that reads data from thousands of IVF treatments before, and notices patterns. That way, they can help inform you through an easy App. what is most likely going to be your outcome. This critical information leads to a feeling of more security during a time when you can easily feel a loss-of-control on your infertility journey.


Icon of pregnant woman kneeling

Mate Fertility

Think of Mate Fertility as the doula of infertility. Similar to Evernorth, but from the perspective of a health-industry friend. They guide you through treatments custom to your needs, encompass all costs into 1 monthly installment, and teach you along the way what to expect next. Their streamlined and caring approach allows you to have 1 point-of-contact through the entire journey.


Male Infertility - Legacy 


Let’s talk about male fertility. How often is infertility caused by male issues? According to the US National Library of Medicine, male ineptitude accounts for 40-50% of infertility. This male-focused startup has developed a way to analyze male semen from the comfort of the home, and give results within 48 hours. It’s quick, climate controlled, and enhanced by the accumulation of thousands of customers’ data. Meaning, Legacy can give not just biological analytic response, but also what your results mean in-correlation to thousands of others’ in the same infertility journey.

 Natalist Ovulation Bundle


Fertility and Pregnancy Essentials - this team is led by moms and doctors. They’ve created tests to track your ovulation and overall fertility. Quick at-home tests allow you to know more about your cycle, opportunities to conceive, and general gyno-health. Natalist will soon be not just for those on the infertility path, but truly for anyone wanting to get pregnant.

 Icon of a community of women


Need a support group? Facebook’s IVF group isn’t intimate enough? Resolve, a branch of the National Infertility Association, is booming! Find a specific counselor or support group to help you on your infertility journey. Because a healthy mental state and not feeling alone is half the battle, Resolve can help. 

Mira Fertility Tracker


Mira is the first personalized, at-home, lab-quality hormone tracking system made for everyone’s unique fertility journey. Rather than using disposable sticks, gels, and tubes. Mira brings the analyzer to your home. Track your numeric hormone levels and gain real-time data to support every stage of your fertility journey — with over 99% accuracy. This is faster than overnight results, and allows you to control not just the sample-gathering, but the testing as well.

Stix - hand holding pregnancy test


Sometimes going to the drugstore to get pregnancy tests is annoying. But when you’re going through infertility, it can be emotionally and physically exhausting. Stix is the brainchild of Cynthia Plotch and Jamie Norwood, two women who joined forces to take the stress out of buying a pregnancy test in the—very public—drugstore aisle. Stix offers both ovulation and UTI tests, along with prenatal multivitamins for moms to be.


She's Well pregnant woman with partner arms around her

She’s Well

The financial toll of infertility is profound. A lot of the costs are simply due to the high price of medications. She’sWell provides affordable subscription plans for services like egg freezing, paired with on-demand digital care, to help women and couples preserve their fertility. Founded by Zivana Zerjal, She’s Well offers a fertility subscription for $99 a month for 60 months, which includes personal fertility planning, a dedicated nurse concierge, an egg freezing procedure, and 24/7 access to your care team on a digital app.


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