Fertility Startups; 7 New FemTech Companies To Know
FemTech and fertility startups are booming. The need is a long-time coming, but we can be grateful for technology that informs, allows opportunities just a few years ago didn’t exist, and supports the human race in it’s advances. Here are seven Fertility Tech companies leading us into the future of the industry with their advance and state-of-the-art technology focused on making fertility, family planning, and family building more accessible than ever.
Modern Fertility
Modern Fertility focuses on making fertility testing convenient and accessible by taking the tests in the comfort of your own home. Each product they provide is backed by clinical studies, and each test is conducted in accredited labs. They offer reports that are 100% personalized and can be accessed through their app. They even provide a virtual community where you can talk about your experiences and hear about others. They provide what they call "fertility essentials", which are all delivered to you - no exceptions. Fertility is very personal, so why can’t the testing be personal too? Modern Fertility is here to solve that.
Bloomlife considers itself to be a provider for overdue innovation to maternal health. Their goal is to build a platform catered to the care of pregnant women, and they use advanced technology accompanied by data science and the latest Healtech in the fertility industry. They potently monitor and address modifiable risk factors to the moms and babys, detect abnormalities, predict adverse events, and ensure a healthy life start. The leaders of Bloomlife have set their goals to empower women and increase access care to for pregnant women.
Most women in tech are familiar with this world-renowned FemTech app. Clue is a menstrual tracker that makes ovulation predictions based on the tracked data inputted by the woman using the app. The data inputted has options such as your state of skin, sleep patterns, hair state, and many more. This allows women to know more about their bodies as well as be in control of it. All from the palm of your hand, Clue can teach you about your own body.
Future Family
Future family provides families with financial plans that make it easier for them to get started with IVF and egg freezing. Each program is personalized for each client, so they will cater to your needs when you sign up for your own plan. Depending on medications needed, lab testing required, and more Future Family recognizes that every fertility journey is different and relieving the financial strain can help. Their plans cover clinic procedures, lab work, medications, and many more all in one set monthly payment. Making it easier for you to start a family, today.
Carrot is a company that has a multitude of services ranging from pregnancy support to fertility health benefit plans to fertility medications. Their goal is to make high-quality fertility care accessible to everyone. They do not limit their services to anyone; they cater to all regardless of age, race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or even geography. The work with companies, couples, and individuals. Carrot is a great resource for fertility and pregnancy plans.
Hatch caters to intended parents in need of surrogates or egg donors. They also look for potential egg donors and surrogates to help said, intended parents. They aided in over 3000 healthy births and have 30 years of experience in over 50 countries. Not only do they provide donors and surrogates, but they provide you with a coordinator that will find candidates that fit your requirements. These plans and the coordinator will give your personalized attention and support. Additionally, the company properly screens each candidate: medical, social, relationship, and psychological. As a fertility matchmaking service, Hatch is where it’s at.
Juliet provides ovulation and early accurate pregnancy tests. Each test is delivered right to your doorstep in a discreet package, and to make it even better, each purchase will provide care to historically excluded pregnant women. And Juliet gives $1 of every purchase to organizations that provide reproductive and prenatal care to historically excluded communities, prioritizing organizations that support BIPOC women. It’s a win-win for everyone!